Table of contents - detailed example

If you want this table of contents, follow the procedure below

Ins_Inhoudsopgave toeveogen (30)

To add a table of contents:

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Click on: Edit (in the Page frame).
  3. Right-click on the position where you want to add the table of contents.
  4. Click on:Ins_Inhoudsopgave toevoegen (10) (Table).
  5. You can enter a name, for example Table of Contents.

    The table of contents consists of one row and one column.

  6. Enter a value inRows.
  7. Enter a value in Columns.
  8. Enter a value in Border width.
  9. Indicate how you want to align the text.
  10. Click on: Modify.
  11. Right-click on the added cell.
  12. Click on: CELL.
  13. Click on:Cell properties.
  14. Enter a value inWidth.
  15. Enter a value in Height.
  16. Select Yes in Automatic word wrap if you want the text to jump to the next line at the end of the cell.
  17. If applicable, select a value for Vertical alignment.
  18. Click on: Modify.
  19. Click on: Numbered list.
  20. Enter the Fysische eigenschappen.
  21. Press: Enter.
  22. Click on: List.
  23. Click on: Increase indentation.
  24. Enter Dichtheid .
  25. Press: Enter.
  26. Enter the Absorptie en verstrooiing.
  27. Press: Enter.
  28. Click on: Numbered list.
  29. Click on: Decrease indentation.
  30. Enter Kringloop .
  31. Press: Enter.
  32. Enter the Water en chemie.
  33. Click on: Publish.