Adjust functionality

You can modify the properties of the functionality.

To adjust functionality:

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Configuration / Functionality.
  2. Open the properties of the functionality.
  3. Change the fields if required.
  4. Go to the tab: Templates.

    You can consult the templates to which the functionality is linked. If there are linked templates, InSite pages can be automatically authorised based on this link.

    The functions (roles) in the consultancy templates are not linked to templates. You must authorise new pages by adding them on the Pages tab.

  5. Go to the tab: Page parts.

    On this tab, you specify the rights per tab. The tabs are displayed in a tree structure (the same as in the authorisation tool).

    You only see tabs that are relevant to the portal type of the functionality. For example, if you are occupied with a functionality for InSite, you only see tabs that are relevant to InSite. The same applies to OutSite.

  6. Go to the tab: Pages.
  7. Delete pages you do not want to authorise and add pages you do want to authorise.
  8. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Functionality
  2. Add functionality
  3. Template for functionality
  4. Adjust functionality
  5. Delete functionality