Change the absence course in InSite

You can change the absence course of the employee using InSite.

Each absence entry contains absence course lines. When adding and closing an absence entry, an absence course line is automatically created. You can manually insert absence course lines, for example in case of changes in the absence percentage or when the employee resumes work on a therapeutic basis.

You manually add an absence course line if one of the following data changes as from a certain effective date:

  • absence percentage
  • presence percentage on occupational therapy basis
  • the substitute
  • the hour types for the integration with the actual costing
  • the nursing address
  • presence.

You make any other changes in the properties of the absence entry.

To change the absence course in InSite:

  1. Go to: InSite.
  2. Click on HRM.
  3. Go to Verzuim / Ziekteverloop.

    InSite may have been configured differently for you, in which case the description of the action deviates.

  4. Select the absence entry.
  5. Click on the action: New course of absence line.
  6. Check the start date and time.
  7. Enter percentages in Presence and Presence (occupational therapy-related).

    Profit automatically calculates the number of hours for an employee with a weekly timetable or a work timetable.

    If not, you enter the number of hours yourself. If you enter the number of hours, Profit calculates the percentage.

    Even in the case of 0% presence, activities based on occupational therapy may apply. You enter 0% in Presence and the applicable percentage in Presence (occupational therapy-related).

    In InSite, you cannot specify the presence per day. But this option is provided in Profit Windows.

    Which fields are visible, depends on the settings in the Create course of sickness profile.

Directly to

  1. Absence in InSite
  2. ESS and MSS in InSite
  3. Configure a profile
  4. Add an absence entry in InSite
  5. Absence entry for another employee in InSite
  6. View an absence entry in InSite
  7. Close an absence entry in InSite
  8. Change the absence course in InSite
  9. Adjust sickness report in InSite
  10. Add maternity leave in InSite