Add a Vimeo video

As well as YouTube videos, you can also add Vimeo videos to the page. You can also add videos you have not uploaded yourself.

To add a Vimeo video:

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Click on: Edit (in the Page frame).
  3. Use the mouse to click the position where you want to add a video.
  4. Click on: Plug-ins.
  5. Click on: Vimeo video.
  6. Select the Show component frame and title check box if you want to display this data.
  7. Enter a value in Video ID.
    • Go to
    • Select the video you want to add.
    • Click Share.
    • You now open a link to the video.
    • Select the number:

    Ins_Vimeo video (10)

    • Paste the number in Video id.
  8. Deselect Auto-play if the video should not start immediately when the page opens.
  9. Enter a value in Fixed width.
  10. Enter a value in Fixed height.

    The height and the width depend on the settings of the plug-in. We cannot decide these for you. If you specify a height of 450 px for the plug-in then you need to specify this here. If you then specify a height of 300 px in the site, the plug-in is clipped.

  11. Click on: Create.
  12. Click on: Publish.

Vimeo video from a channel

If you access the video from a Channel, retrieve the video ID from the embed code.


You now no longer see the video ID in the link, but instead the address to the channel:


You can use this video as follows:

  1. Click on: 'Embed'

    Ins_Video toevoegen (20)

  2. Select the whole code.
  3. Press: Ctrl + C.
  4. Open a text editor (such as Notepad).
  5. Press: Ctrl + V.

    You now see, for example, the following code:

    <iframe src=";color=8a8a8a" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Fiji & New Caledonia - A Trip We Never Forget</a> from <a href="">Claudio Beier</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

  6. Select the ID: 58004291
  7. Press:Ctrl + C.
  8. Go to:Video id.
  9. Press:Ctrl + V.

    The result from this code is:

    Ins_Plugin (110)

Directly to

  1. Plug-ins InSite & OutSite
  2. Change plug-ins
  3. Delete plug-ins