Banner presentation styles

There are several ways to present a banner. You select the presentation style when adding a banner.


When you edit a page, you cannot immediately see whether an image or a button will fit in the frame. Only after saving and opening the published page can you see if the adjusted size of the frame is sufficient for the buttons, images or text.

Some examples of presentation styles for banners a given below.

Show as a list

All references are included as text in a list with items presented vertically or horizontally. The lists consist of a list symbol and text if the lists are vertical and of just the text if the lists are horizontal.

2G_Presentatiestijlen banner (05)

Show as a drop-down list

All references are included as text in a drop-down list. The drop-down list consists of a collapsed list and a button you can use to expand the list. By default, the first item from the drop-down list is displayed. You can use the button to select a different item from the drop-down list.

2G_Presentatiestijlen banner (10)

Show as buttons

All references are displayed as buttons with the text of the banner being used as the label for the button. If a visitor clicks on the button, the corresponding reference is opened. If you display buttons next to each other, they will be aligned within the available space.

2G_Presentatiestijlen banner (20)

Show as an image

This presentation style shows the references as images. The text is displayed as a Tooltip. If a visitor clicks on an image, the corresponding reference is opened. If an image is too wide or too high, it is automatically resized so that it fits within the margin, while maintaining the height/width ratio.

2G_Presentatiestijlen banner (30)

Show as tiles

This presentation style shows the references as an image with the text below it. If a visitor clicks on the image or the text, the corresponding reference is opened.

2G_Banner toevoegen (35)

Show as a carousel

This presentation style shows the references as an image. One image is shown at a time and is then replaced by the next image. You set the interval yourself when adding the banner. After the last image has been shown, the first is displayed again. A number is displayed for each image. If you click the number, the corresponding image is immediately displayed. For more than five images there are no numbers but only buttons for 'First, previous, pause, next, and last'.

You can choose the navigation style for the banner carousel yourself. You can choose from: None, Bullets, Media player, Numbers, Previous/Next. In addition, you can specify whether the banner is played automatically or whether the user has to click through manually.

2G_Presentatiestijlen banner (40)