Check the publication status of a site

You can check the publication status of the site in Profit.

To check the publication status:

  1. Open Profit.
  2. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Site.

    Here you see the Publication status column.

    • Publication scheduled:

      If changes have been made to the site either in Profit or in the site itself, this will be the status of the site until Profit starts publishing it. If changes have been made to the InSite site and the status does not change, the Profit Update Service is not active on the server. You must then activate it.

    • Publishing:

      Profit checks if InSite sites have been changed and must be published. Profit publishes the sites one by one and during the publication sets the InSite site to this status.

    • Published in full:

      This status indicates that Profit has finished publishing the InSite site. After the publishing, the Profit Update Service will start updating the InSite sites. The Update Service copies all files from Profit to the web server, the location where InSite sites are accessible to users. The status of this publication is not displayed in the overview of the sites, but on the web server (see the procedure below).

Check the web server status overview


This procedure does not apply if you are working with AFAS Online.

  1. Open the Central Login Environment (CLE).
  2. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Configuration / Web server.
  3. Open the properties of the web server the site is linked to.
  4. Go to the tab: Domain/Virtual path.
  5. Check the Publication status column.
    • Waiting for next update:

      If the Profit Update Service is active, it will start publishing any available updates every 2 minutes.

    • Updating:

      The site has this status while the Profit Update Service is copying the files from Profit to the web server.

    • Updated in full:

      After the Profit Update Service has updated all files of a site, the site gets this status and the site is completely up-to-date.

Directly to

  1. Update a site
  2. Update the restriction selections
  3. Update overviews
  4. Site publication status
  5. Update a site by installing a hotfix