Collect invoices per week

When automatically generating packing slips, you can collect multiple packing slips on one invoice for one sales contact, which were all created in a certain week.

The Weekly invoice collection method includes a check of the packing slip date. The weekly invoices always relate to a default working week (from Monday to Sunday). When generating invoices, only the packing slips that were issued a full week before the system date are included.


On Monday 6 April the invoicing process is run.

Profit considers the packing slips of the week from Monday 30 March to Sunday 5 April to be ready for invoicing. Packing slips from 6 April are not yet invoiced in this case, as these packing slips will only be eligible for invoicing on 13 April.

Example of a packing slip with an older date:

When invoicing on 6 April, Profit finds a packing slip from 20 March; this packing slip is now not included in the invoicing process. Profit generates a separate invoice for this packing slip; this invoice is an additional weekly invoice for the week from 18 to 24 March.

To set the collection of invoices of one week per sales contact in the sales contact profile:

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Integration settings / Sales contact profile.
  2. Add a new sales contact profile.

    Or open the properties of an existing sales contact profile and go to the General tab.

  3. Select the Collect on invoice check box.
  4. Select Weekly invoice for Collection method.
  5. Click on: OK
  6. Complete the wizard if you are adding a new sales contact profile.

Directly to

  1. Generate invoices with summary invoices
  2. Collect sales invoices per week
  3. Collect packing slips from one order on one invoice
  4. Collect invoices and packing slips per project