Add a unit

You can add units that can initially be selected as the basic unit. In addition, you can also assign units to an article as alternative units.


A unit can be Stuks or Dozen.

You can also use calculated units, such as surface area or volume. If you do so, you must enter the values while entering the order line.

To add a unit:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Item / Configuration / Unit.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Enter a short code in Unit.
  4. Enter a value inDescription.
  5. In Type unit, specify whether Profit should perform a calculation on the unit.
  6. Click on: Finish.

To view linked articles per unit:

In this example you view the articles that are linked to the Stk (pieces) unit.

  1. Open the properties of the unit.
  2. Go to the tab: Items.

    You now see a view with all articles that are purchased and sold per piece.

  3. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Unit
  2. View the basic unit
  3. Change the basic unit
  4. Add a unit
  5. Allocate an extra unit to an article
  6. Add and use a unit with a calculation
  7. Set the preferred sales and purchase unit