Configure Google Site Search (OutSite)

You set up Google Site Search for searching an OutSite site.

Once you have completed the steps below, the site is indexed. It may take some time for the process to complete.

To configure Google Site Search:

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Site.
  2. Open the properties of the OutSite site.
  3. Go to the tab: Google.
  4. Select the Search check box.
  5. Click on: API console.

    The Google website appears.

  6. Log on to the Google website.
  7. Click on: 'Enable an API'.

    Out_Google Site Search inrichten - API Project

  8. Complete the search field.
  9. Click on: 'Custom search API'.

    Out_Google Site Search inrichten - API Project

  10. Click on: 'ON'.

    Out_Google Site Search inrichten - API Project

  11. Click on: 'Credentials'.
  12. Click on: 'Create new Key'.

    Out_Google Site Search inrichten - API Project

  13. Click on: 'Server key'.

    Out_Google Site Search inrichten - API Project

  14. Click on: 'Create'.
  15. Copy the value from the 'API key' field to the clipboard.

    Out_Google Site Search inrichten - API Project

  16. Return to Profit.
  17. Paste the code in the Google Search Api Key field.
  18. Click on: Management (after Google Search Engine ID).
  19. The Google 'Custom Search' window appears.
  20. Click on: 'Add'.

    Out_Google Site Search inrichten - API Project

  21. Enter the URL of the site to be searched.

    Out_Google Site Search inrichten - API Project

  22. Click on: 'Maken'.
  23. Click on: 'Instellen'.
  24. Click on: 'Zoekmachine-ID'.

    Out_Google Site Search inrichten - API Project

  25. Copy the value to the clipboard.

    Out_Google Site Search inrichten - API Project

  26. Return to Profit.
  27. Paste the code in the Google Search Engine ID field.

    As the site administrator, you can now still set up where you want to display the search button in the site.