Customer portal

In the customer portal, customers can enter or edit data, send requests, view their own customer dossiers (invoices, notes, appointments, annual accounts), etc.

You can work with the customer portal if you at least use the following:

  • (Sales) invoices
  • Outstanding items
  • Subscriptions
  • Projects

Portal page

The portal page comprises messages, dossier items, etc.

  • Organisation data

    Here, a visitor who is logged on sees the details of your organisation. The administrator of the customer portal can edit these data on the site, in which case the changes are also processed immediately in Profit.

  • Personal details

    Visitors who are logged on see their own personal details here. The visitor can edit these details. The changes are also immediately processed in Profit CRM.

  • Projects

    If you are logged on as a contact for an organisation, you see an overview of the projects here.

  • Orders

    Here you see your sales orders, packing slips and sales invoices.

  • Articles

    Here you see the various articles of the organisation.

  • Invoices

    An overview of the invoices and the reminders. Select a line and then open the attachment to view the invoice or reminder.

  • Subscriptions

    An overview of all subscriptions of the sales contact. If you are authorised, you can change the contact person of the subscription from this overview. If you select a subscription, you open an overview with the lines of the subscription.

  • Messages

    Messages sent and received.

  • Dossier

    An overview of the dossier items.

  • Support

    An overview of the incidents.

Directly to

  1. Get started with OutSite
  2. Configure OutSite
  3. Log in to the site
  4. Customer portal
  5. External media links
  6. Forgotten password