Wage component calculation rule

A calculation rule is at the heart of a wage component. It is the mathematical formula that gives the wage component its ultimate value.

A calculation rule formula can be a simple formula, for example, ‘a * b * c’. It can also be a very complex formula in which Profit checks various things and depending on certain values or settings follows path 1 or path 2 of the calculation. For example, the calculation of the 'Loonheffing' is dependent on the white or green table.

No matter how simple or complex, you can always trace the calculation rule back to a formula with operators and parameters. Operators are arithmetic calculation methods such as plus, minus, multiplication, division, etc. Parameters are the numbers that the operators operate on. The formula ‘a * b * c’ has two operators and three parameters. When you assign a value to the parameters, Profit calculates the result of the formula.

From the wage component, you can view the linked calculation rule to determine how the wage component is calculated. You can find the description of the calculation rule in the Profit Help and AFAS KnowledgeBase.

To view the wage component’s calculation rule:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Open the properties of the wage component.
  5. Go to the tab: Classification.

    Profit displays the calculation rule.

Directly to

  1. Calculate a wage component
  2. Operation of a wage component
  3. Wage component calculation rule
  4. Wage component formula
  5. ‘Flexible calculation rule'