View wage component parameters

The Parameter tab shows which values are included in the wage component.

A wage component uses parameters. A wage component has a calculation rule, for example: Parameter A x Parameter B = Value of the wage component. The parameter therefore is that part of the wage component that contains the incoming value.

To view wage component parameters:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Open the properties of the wage component.
  5. Go to the tab: Parameter.
  6. Open the view: WC parameters (linked).

    Profit only displays those parameters that are in fact linked.

  7. In the Value column, Profit displays the current value of the parameter.

    A non-component specific parameter represents a dynamic value, such as the salary of an employee, which can be different for every employee. In this case, Profit does not display any value.

  8. In the Mut. bij mdw., Mut. bij wg. and Chng. with CLA columns you will find the levels at which the parameter can be changed.

Directly to

  1. Parameters
  2. View from a wage component
  3. View from the CLA
  4. Value parameters
  5. Dynamic parameters