Deviate from the values in a salary table

There are various ways in which you can deviate from the values recorded in a salary table. In case of a salary table supplied with the system this is only possible if this is permitted by AFAS. You can deviate at the following levels:

  • Salary table

    Your changes apply to all wage components within the CLA to which the salary table is linked.

  • Wage component

    If a salary table is linked to a wage component, you can add a single deviating value with a term of validity. A valid value for a parameter has priority over a linked salary table.

  • Employer

    If a salary table is linked to a wage component, you can add a single deviating value with a term of validity. A valid value for a parameter has priority over its parent levels.

  • Employee

    If a salary table is linked to a wage component, you can add a single deviating value with a term of validity. A valid value for a parameter has priority over its parent levels.

To deviate from the value in a salary table in a wage component:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Open the properties of the wage component.
  5. Go to the tab: Parameters.

    In the Source parameter column Profit indicates whether the parameter is linked to a salary table.

  6. Open the parameter's properties.
  7. Go to the tab: Values.
  8. Open the view: Parameter history customer CLA and Profit CLA.

    Profit displays the values that are maintained by AFAS and that you have added yourself.

  9. Click on: New.
  10. Enter the start date, end date and value. Entering an end date is not mandatory.
  11. Click on: Finish.
  12. Click on: OK.

See also

Directly to

  1. Salary table as parameter
  2. View the salary table as a parameter
  3. Deviate from the values in a salary table