Configure an educational institution

At the employer level, you specify an educational institution for every school, to be used for the deliveries to the 'Vervangingsfonds (VF)', 'Participatiefonds (PF) and 'DUO'.

If the 'BRIN' institution of a school changes, you create a new educational institution. For the employees that fell under the old 'BRIN' institution you add a new job record with the date of the 'BRIN' institution change as the start date.

The fictitious 'BRIN' institution numbers for the employments with multi-school jobs are distributed from CASO. You use these numbers, for example for the deliveries to the 'Vervangingsfonds'. If a new multi-school educational institution is required, you request the numbers from the 'Vervangingsfonds' to be able to make deliveries to the 'Vervangingsfonds'.

To add an educational institution:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / Employer.
  2. Open the employer’s properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Educational institution.
  4. Click on: New.
  5. Enter the Institution code and name of the institution.
  6. Enter the 'BRIN' number in Institution 'BRIN'.

    If this is a fictitious educational institution, you first select the Multi-school institution check box and then enter the 'BRIN' number.

  7. Select the Education type.

    You also have the option of selecting VO, MBO, HBO and VBE as Education type. These values are purely for informational purposes.

  8. Select the region the institution belongs to as far as holidays are concerned.

    This is important for the delivery of the 'AVR' indicators.

  9. Select the Multi-school institution check box, if this is a fictitious educational institution.
  10. Enter the number of FTEs per working day, based on the default timetable.

    If you add a specified weekly timetable, you can copy this preferred value to the employees that fall under the educational institution. If you do not specify a default timetable for the educational institution, Profit uses the default timetable at the CLA level.

  11. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Configure an employer for education deliveries
  2. Add a Government and Education agency to an employer
  3. Add jobs for Education
  4. Add an educational institution
  5. Record the merger of educational institutions
  6. Record the merger of school boards