Cut up account numbers and use parts of codes

You use replacement lines to combine parts of account numbers and codes. For this you use the following fields:

  • Source from / Source up to and incl.
  • Target from / Target to

Using the Source fields you determine which part of the source you want to copy; you use the Target fields to determine where Profit should place the copied part. You can also use the Target fields to add extra positions to the account number, such as extra leading zeros.

Copy a part of an account number

You can copy a part of the original account number to the new account number.

Example: the journal structure has a 4-digit chart of accounts linked to it but your financial administration has a 5-digit chart of accounts.

  • The new numbers will have five positions, with the last three positions used for the original account number.
  • The first two positions (left) are replaced by the fixed value 40.

In Profit, you have configured the following replacement lines:

This results in the following chart of accounts:

Shorten account numbers

You can shorten account numbers if the account numbers in your financial administration are shorter.

For example: The journal structure has a 4-digit chart of accounts linked to it, but your financial administration has a 3-digit chart of accounts.  Profit must use the last three digits of the accounts in Profit Payroll in the journalising.

In Profit you have configured the following replacement lines:

  • You place (source) positions 2 to 4 of the original number on (target) positions 1 to 3.
  • You replace position 4 by the fixed value 'space'.
Place the allocation code inside the account number

You can cut up an account number into two parts and place a code between the parts on positions you select.

For example: The journal structure has a 4-digit chart of accounts linked to it, and your cost centre codes have three positions.

In the financial administration you have a 7-digit chart of accounts:

  • Positions 1 and 2: first two digits of the ledger account number
  • Positions 3 to 5: cost centre code
  • Positions 6 and 7: last two digits of the ledger account number

In Profit you have configured the following replacement lines:

  • Positions 1 and 2 of the original number remain where they are in the new number, so you do not have to create replacement lines for them.
  • In the first replacement line you place the cost centre code on positions 3 to 5.
  • In the second replacement line you replace the default cost centre code, Profit, by 999.
  • In the third replacement line you copy (source) positions 3 and 4 of the original number and place them on (target) positions 6 and 7.

This results in the following chart of accounts: