Configure 'Interpolis' for the employee (year-end work)

For each employee, you record the 'Interpolis' agency. If you do not want to perform year-end work for a particular employee then you can also specify this.

The Deviating address, Historical data and Historical data 2 tabs are no longer applicable. If required, you can hide these by changing the authorisation.

Up to and including 2006, this was the 'Cadans' agency.

To configure the 'PGGM' agency for the employee:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Agency.
  4. Open the properties of the agency.
  5. Open the most recent agency line.
  6. Only select the Do not include in year-end work check box if you do not want to include the employee in the year-end work.
  7. Select the profession of the employee.

    The codes that Profit displays consist of three digits. However, in the declaration, Profit provides the correct two-digit codes. You only need to enter a description if you have selected Other (code 129) in 'Cadans' profession.

  8. Select another pension fund if you want to specify a different sector pension fund than the one you entered for the employer.

    Since 2009, the codes 00 and 99 are no longer used in the Sector pension fund field.

Directly to

  1. Configure year-end work at employee level
  2. Configure Timeos for the employee
  3. Configure 'PGGM' for the employee
  4. Configure 'Interpolis' for the employee