Generate and send the ‘SPOV’ file

After you check the pension delivery, you can generate and send the file.

Profit compares the data from the current period (in the properties of the period) to the data from the previous pension data delivery file and derives the changes from them. For example, the part-time percentage for employee X was 100% and is now 80%. Profit only saves the changes in the ‘SPOV’ file.


If you use back pay contracts and hours have been entered in a back pay contract, Profit does not automatically include this as a change (to the part-time percentage) in the ‘SPOV’ file. In this case, you must either enter the hours in the last period or pass them to the ‘SPOV’ manually.

To generate a ‘SPOV’ file:

  1. Go to: Start menu / HR / Payroll / Digital messages / ‘SPOV’ delivery.
  2. Select the delivery you want to generate.
  3. Click on the action: Generate file.

    Profit generates a file named: SPOV {submitter name} Year {month}.

    Profit saves the file to the location set in the properties of the ‘SPOV’ agency.

  4. Click on: OK.

    The delivery status has changed to Created.

  5. Send the file, for example as an e-mail attachment or CD-ROM.

Directly to

  1. 'SPOV' pension data delivery
  2. Add and check the ‘SPOV’ pension data delivery
  3. Generate and send the ‘SPOV’ pension data delivery