Generate the ‘TKP’ pension data delivery file

You can add a new data file for the pension data delivery if the salary processing period has been approved.

You deliver by employer, i.e. not collectively.

You can only deliver one period in the ‘TKP Vervoer’ pension data delivery. The delivery is monthly. You submit the pension data (‘TKP’ file) on the last day of next month at the latest.

A delivery always pertains to a specific period and does not contain any data from another period. A delivery has six headings.

To generate a CSV file for the pension data delivery:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Salary processing cockpit.
  2. Select the approved period of the employer with the ‘TKP’ agency.
  3. Click on the action: Output
  4. Double-click on Pension data deliveries.
  5. Double-click on 'TKP vervoer'.

    Profit generates a file named: {Employer name}_{year}{month}{day}.

    Profit saves the file to the location set in the properties of the ‘SPOV’ agency. Here, on the Taxpayer tab, open the properties of the active line if you want to change the location.

  6. Click on: OK
  7. You can now upload the CSV file to the TKP employer portal.

Directly to

  1. ‘TKP Vervoer’ pension data delivery
  2. Generate the ‘TKP’ pension data delivery file
  3. Pass the ‘TKP’ corrections