Reprocess an employer or an employee
You can process an employer or employee again if the employer or employee has been processed, has not been processed or has been processed provisionally.
You reprocess an employer or employee, for example if you have changed settings for the employer or employee and these settings affect the salary processing.
To reprocess an employee:
- Go to: HR / Payroll / Salary processing cockpit.
- Open the period line.
- Select the employee.
- Click on the action: Process.
- Click on: Yes.
You process the employee again. If you process one employee, you do not use the queue. In this case you see a progress window for the processing:

To reprocess an employer:
- Go to: HR / Payroll / Salary processing cockpit.
- Open the view: Salary processing plan (actual).
More information: views in the salary processing cockpit
The Salary processing cockpit provides the following views:
- Payroll processing plan (all)
This view shows all periods for all employers. In this view, you therefore also see the periods already processed.
- Salary processing plan (actual)
This is the default view. This view shows, for all employers, the last unprocessed or provisionally processed (correction) period. If you have already added periods for the next year, you also see period 1 of that year in the view.
- Payroll processing plan (previous)
This view is based on the Salary processing cockpit (current) view but only displays the last approved period. Using this view, you can quickly find the last approved period and then print the corresponding overviews.
- Payroll processing plan (current + last approved)
This view is based on the Salary processing cockpit (current) view and additionally displays the last approved period. You can use this view when you are processing an employer. Once a period has been approved, it disappears from the Salary processing cockpit (current) view. You can use this view for the actions that must be performed after the approval.
- Select the employer.
- Click on the action: Process.
- Deselect the Only process the employees not yet processed check box if you want to reprocess all employees.
- Click on: Yes.
You process the period for the employer in the queue.
After successfully processing the period, a pop-up appears: