Payment file for a correction period

Depending on the settings for the employer Profit can generate the payment file automatically following the approval of a salary processing plan line.

If the payment file is not generated automatically, you can generate it manually. This option is very useful if correction periods are present.

Once you have approved a correction period, you can generate a payment file for:

  • Correction period

    This payment file contains only payments for the correction period. Negative amounts are not included in the payment file because Profit cannot collect amounts. You can manually collect the negative amounts or post them as deductions to the next period.

  • The main period including the correction period(s)

    You merge the unprocessed payments for the main period and correction period. In this way, you generate one payment file. You can settle deductions (negative cash payments) for the correction period with the amount to be paid. You can convert negative cash payments to bank payments provided that the total amount to be paid per employee remains positive.

To generate a payment file:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Payment cockpit.
  2. Open the properties of the payment line with the Not processed status.
  3. Open the period line.

    Profit displays the payments of the selected employer and period line. The following views are available:

    • Payments in period
    • Negative cash payments

    The two views have the same format. The Cash column tells you whether this is a cash payment (check box selected) or a bank payment.

    Here, you can view the negative payments and record them for yourself for manual collections or for entry as deductions in the next period.

  4. Close the view.
  5. If you want one payment file for the main period and correction period(s) then first merge them:
    1. Click on the action: Merge.

      You see the payment lines that you can merge.

    2. Click on: Finish.
  6. Click on the action: Process.

    You generate the payment file.

Directly to

  1. Retroactive effect (RAE)
  2. Print settings for RAE slips
  3. Automatic RAE
  4. Manually initiate changes with RAE
  5. Add a correction period
  6. Process a correction period
  7. View RAE entries
  8. Approve a correction period
  9. Payment file for a correction period
  10. RAE pay slips for differences and replacement pay slips
  11. RAE entries in a journal entry analysis
  12. RAE entries in a cost analysis
  13. Wage declaration and RAE
  14. RAE entries across years