Calculation by employment

Profit calculates the wage components that have been added for the employee for his/her main employment, unless you specified a different employment for a wage component.

It is therefore essential that you correctly configure the main employment for each employee. You can determine which employment should be designated as the main employment on the basis of the timetable and the contract. Check that this is in fact the case on the Main employment tab.


An employee has the following employments:

  • Employment 1: part-time employment
  • Employment 2: standby contract

In this case, Employment 1 will be the main employment. Check whether this is the case on the Main employment tab.

Check wage components

In the employee’s properties, on the Wage component tab, you will see how the wage components are configured. This tab contains a line for each wage component-parameter combination.

  • If the EMPLT column is empty, there is no linked employment.
  • The EMPLT column can contain the value of a linked employment.  If the parameter has been configured for multiple employments, the wage component-employment combination will occur multiple times on the Wage component tab.

For each wage component, check that it has been linked to the correct employment.

  • If there is no employment linked to the wage component, Profit calculates this component for the main employment. It is possible that Profit in this situation calculates too much.


This example pertains to the travel expense allowance:

  • Employment 1: 5 mornings
  • Employment 2: 3 afternoons

If you do not link an employment, Profit by default assumes a travel expense allowance based on eight days. To configure this correctly, you have the following options:

  • Specify the travel expenses by employment. This may be necessary when an employee travels to different locations and the travelling distance for Employment 2 is greater than for Employment 1.
  • Switch off the calculation of travelling expenses for Employment 2.

  • If an employment has been linked, verify that it is the right employment.


This example pertains to the travel expense allowance. The main employment has been set to employment 2, but the wage component is set to employment 1. Profit does not perform a calculation. Check the following data:

  • Has the main employment been properly set up?
  • Is the wage component correctly linked to only one employment?
  • Has the wage component been linked to the wrong employment?