Resubmit a declaration (previous declaration becomes obsolete)

You can resubmit the last prepared declaration. Only use this option if something went wrong in the communication with the tax authority and the tax authority never received the declaration, or if the tax authority asks you to submit the declaration again.


In this situation, Profit generates a new declaration. You cannot resubmit the same declaration twice.

The selected declaration expires and Profit adds a new declaration line. Profit considers a lapsed declaration as not received by the tax authority and therefore does not include it in wage declaration reports and the payment overview.

If in a subsequent declaration time frame, a correction to the selected declaration time frame is created then, when checking/preparing the correction declaration line, Profit checks to see if there are actual differences between the correction and the declaration line(s) already prepared for the declaration time frame to be corrected. Profit ignores a declaration with the Expired feature when checking the differences because, otherwise, incorrect corrections might be created. This is contrary to the Create new full or correction declaration line option. In that case Profit does not consider the preceding declaration as Expired.

To resubmit a declaration:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Salary processing cockpit.
  2. Click on the action: Declaration.
  3. Click on: New.
  4. Select the Resubmit declaration (previous declaration cancelled) check box.
  5. Click on: Next.
  6. Select the period line.
  7. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Wage declaration
  2. Configure the exchange with the tax authority
  3. Configure the payment of the ‘Loonheffing’
  4. Check, view, prepare and send a wage declaration
  5. View corrections to a wage declaration
  6. Resubmit a declaration
  7. Correct the 'BSN' and/or the income relationship number in a declaration
  8. Create a new complete or correction declaration
  9. Another 'Loonheffingen' number
  10. Deviating declaration time frame
  11. Automatic 'Loonheffing' payment
  12. Suppress a wage declaration
  13. Send a wage declaration using FOS
  14. Save a copy of a wage declaration as a file
  15. Annual wage statement