
The 100.004.923 'Levensloopverlofkorting' wage component calculates the amount of the 'levensloopverlofkorting'. This deduction is equal to the smallest value of:

  • The amount of the 100.004.922 'Levensloop Uitkering' component
  • The maximum amount of 'levensloopverlofkorting' that is still outstanding. This depends on the number of years that an employee has saved for 'levensloop' and a maximum amount per year.


    Each wage component has a comment in which the operation of the wage component is explained. Always take a look at this explanation on the Comment tab in the properties of the wage component in the CLA. If you do not have the wage component available, first activate it.

Situation as from 2012

From the 100.004.923 'Levensloopverlofkorting' wage component, you delete all parameter values of the 'Aantal gespaarde jaren' parameter that apply to 2012 and later. In the parameter value for 2011 you do not enter an end date, except if all 'levensloopverlofkorting' up to and including 2011 has been paid out.


Employee has participated in the scheme from the beginning and has never made a withdrawal from the 'levensloop'.

01-01-2006 - 31-12-2006: 1

01-01-2007 - 31-12-2007: 2

01-01-2008 - 31-12-2008: 3

01-01-2009 - 31-12-2009: 4

01-01-2010 - 31-12-2010: 5

01-01-2011 - empty: 6

As from 2011 the value will remain at 6 until the 'levensloopverlofkorting' is paid out. The value becomes 0 the year following the payment (start date, no end date).


Employee has participated in the scheme from the beginning and has made a withdrawal from the 'levensloop' in 2009.

01-01-2006 - 31-12-2006: 1

01-01-2007 - 31-12-2007: 2

01-01-2008 - 31-12-2008: 3

01-01-2009 - 31-12-2009: 4

01-01-2010 - 31-12-2010: 1

01-01-2011 - empty: 2

As from 2011 the value will remain at 2 until the 'levensloopverlofkorting' is paid out. The value becomes 0 the year following the payment (start date, no end date).


Employee has participated in the scheme from the beginning and has made a withdrawal from the 'levensloop' in 2011.

01-01-2006 - 31-12-2006: 1

01-01-2007 - 31-12-2007: 2

01-01-2008 - 31-12-2008: 3

01-01-2009 - 31-12-2009: 4

01-01-2010 - 31-12-2010: 5

01-01-2011 - 31-12-2011: 6

01-01-2012 - empty: 0

As from 2012 the value will become 0 because it is no longer allowed to accrue any 'levensloopverlofkorting' and all deductions have already been paid out.


Employee has participated in the scheme from the beginning and has made a withdrawal from the 'levensloop' in 2012.

01-01-2006 - 31-12-2006: 1

01-01-2007 - 31-12-2007: 2

01-01-2008 - 31-12-2008: 3

01-01-2009 - 31-12-2009: 4

01-01-2010 - 31-12-2010: 5

01-01-2011 - 31-12-2012: 6

01-01-2013 - empty: 0

It is no longer allowed to accrue any 'levensloopverlofkorting' in 2012, and that is why the 2011 value is maintained in 2012. As from 2013 the value will become 0 because it is no longer allowed to accrue any 'levensloopverlofkorting' and all deductions have already been paid out.

Situation up to 2011

For the 'levensloopverlofkorting' you keep count of the number of years saved per employee.

As soon as an employee starts participating in the 'levensloopregeling', you enter the value 1 for the 'Aantal gespaarde jaren' parameter. You increase this value by 1 every year, until the employee stops participating in the 'levensloopregeling'. Of course, you can also create these lines as soon as an employee starts saving.


An employee starts saving under the 'levensloopregeling' on 01-01-2008. In this case you immediately create the following lines, for instance using an import:

01-01-2008 - 31-12-2008: 1

01-01-2009 - 31-12-2009: 2

01-01-2010 - 31-12-2010: 3


To set the number of years saved:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Click on: New.
  5. Select the 100.004.916 'Levensloop Medewerkerbijdrage' wage component.
  6. Click on: Finish.
  7. Open the properties of the 'Aantal gespaarde jaren' parameter.
  8. Click on: New.
  9. Enter the start and end date.
  10. In Value enter 1.
  11. Click on: Finish.

Repeat this if the employee has saved more than one year.


You can use the Employee/Monitoring accumulated 'Levensloop' years (Profit) alert. This alert indicates that it has been over a year since you last changed the number of 'levensloop' years for an employee.