Set a project for project invoicing

For a project, you set a sales contact and the charge setting for the project invoicing. In addition, you can set invoicing at the project level by using the Invoice separately field.

To set a project for project invoicing:

  1. Go to: Projects / Project / Project.
  2. Open the project properties.
  3. Go to the tab: General.
  4. If you work with multiple administrations in Profit Projects, you can select the administration for the project in Administration, depending on the level at which you want to set the administration. If you work with Work In Progress (WIP), you cannot change the administration in the properties of a project or project group.
  5. Check if a sales contact has been entered in Sales contact.
  6. Go to the tab: Invoicing.
  7. Select the Charge check box if you want the actual costing lines entered for this project to be invoiced to the client by default.

    When you charge a project, you can specify per work type whether or not it is to be charged. If you do not charge a project, then you never charge for the work types.

  8. For this project, select the Charge check box.Select the Instalment invoices check box if you want to use instalment invoicing for this project. You can only select this check box if the Charge check box is also selected. You can add invoice instalments on the Invoice instalment tab.
  9. For example: If required, enter a value for Feature for additional information for the project. Profit can print this feature on a project invoice.
  10. If required, enter a value for Customer reference. Profit can print this feature on a project invoice.
  11. If required, enter a value for Surcharge (%) that has to be suggested when posting on financial cost entries and purchase invoices for calculation of the sales amount.

    This is applicable if the costs and purchase invoices for the project can be charged on to the client.

  12. If required, enter a value for Wage total (%) if you have activated Ultimate responsibility Law. This is the percentage that Profit has to enter in the ā€˜Gā€™-account.
  13. If required, enter a value for Invoice text if you want to print this on project invoices.

    You can only select texts for which it is specified that they can be used for a project.

  14. If required, enter a value for Agreed price.
  15. If you have entered the Agreed price, enter the currency.
  16. Enter the payment condition in Payment condition if you want to deviate from the payment condition of the sales contact.


    If you enter this field, when invoices are generated or added manually Profit will take the payment conditions from the project, provided that the project number is in the invoice header. This is the case, for example if you have selected the Invoice by project check box (via Projects / Management / Settings / Invoicing/stock) or the Invoice separately check box (in the properties of a project).

  17. Select the Invoice separately check box if you want to set up invoicing at the project level.

    You also select this check box if, when you generate drafts, you want Profit to include all actual costing data recorded for this project in a separate draft. This way, you can create multiple outstanding drafts for one debtor in the same administration. A new draft will only be created when actual costing is entered. It is not possible to create a new draft for the debtor manually if an outstanding draft for the debtor is already present in the administration.

  18. Select the Deviating VAT rate group check box if you want to invoice these specific project items (work types or articles) using a deviating VAT rate group setting.
  19. Go to the tab: Invoice instalment.

    On this tab, you can set or view invoice instalments.

  20. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Configure project invoicing
  2. Authorise project invoicing
  3. General project invoicing settings
  4. Set a project for project invoicing
  5. Set a project for project invoicing with a deviating VAT rate group
  6. Project invoice numbering
  7. Add a project invoice journal
  8. Add ledger accounts for project journalising
  9. Configure the journalising of project invoices
  10. journalising
  11. Set the report layout for project invoices
  12. Configure a sales contact profile for project invoicing
  13. Configure a sales contact/debtor for project invoicing
  14. Set manual project invoicing for multiple administrations
  15. Split domestic and international VAT duty invoicing
  16. 'G'-account in projects