Finalise a cost estimate

Once a cost estimate has been finalised, you can no longer make changes and you can then copy the cost estimate to the actual costing. If a cost estimate has not yet been finalised, then you cannot copy it to the actual costing.

If you copy the finalised cost estimate to the actual costing, the cost estimate gets the Permanent status.


You can only finalise cost estimates/quotations if the status is Current.

If you have set an existing cost estimate to Completed manually (using the Complete action), no entry is created for that cost estimate.

If you use the integration between Profit Projects and Profit Order management, you can also run processes such as reserving stock and/or generating order proposals. If you then finalise the cost estimate/quotation, depending on the setting of Order proposal with sales, either an automatic order proposal line is created, a question is asked or no action is taken. Furthermore, the stock check is performed and stock is reserved (whether or not in combination with the order proposal) or an indication is given that there is insufficient stock and that the articles should be placed in pending order (or that the line should be modified).

To finalise a cost estimate/quotation:

  1. Go to: Projects / Cost estimate / Cost estimate.

    You can also start this action from the entry program itself.

  2. Select the cost estimate.
  3. Click on the action: Finalise.

    The status of the cost estimate changes from Current to Permanent. You cannot undo this status change. You can still change a finalised cost estimate by adding lines or by changing existing lines, bearing in mind that the quantity on the line cannot become less than the Quantity delivered. The status of the new/changed line is also Permanent.

    You now see the message that the lines have been checked.

  4. Click on: OK.
  5. Click on: Finish.

    You are now asked whether you want to print the cost estimate.

Directly to

  1. Cost estimate and quotations
  2. Configure cost estimates
  3. Configure Print or e-mail cost estimates and quotations
  4. Add a cost estimate
  5. Copy a quotation from an existing cost estimate
  6. Copy a quotation from a Profit Order management sales quotation
  7. View a cost estimate
  8. View a cost estimate in InSite
  9. Issue a cost estimate
  10. Change Date required
  11. Recalculate cost estimates
  12. Finalise a cost estimate
  13. Complete a cost estimate
  14. View a linked purchase order
  15. Delete a cost estimate
  16. Change a project number
  17. Integration of Projects and Order management