E-mail a cost estimate individually

You can e-mail one cost estimate/quotation. You use this to send the selected cost estimate/quotation as a PDF document, which is sent as an attachment to the e-mail.

You send the e-mail to the contact person set for the quotation in the properties of the relevant sales contact.


The e-mail is sent to the Work e-mail address that you have recorded for the contact for the quotation. If the contact does not have a Work e-mail address or no contact at all is selected, then the Work e-mail address of the organisation/person in question is used. If a Work e-mail address is not present for the organisation/person either, then Profit reports that no valid e-mail address can be found.

To e-mail a cost estimate/quotation:

  1. Go to: Projects / Cost estimate / Cost estimate.
  2. Select the cost estimate.
  3. Click on the action: E-mail.

    You see a preview of the e-mail message with the e-mail address.

  4. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. E-mail a cost estimate
  2. Configure report printing and e-mailing
  3. E-mail in bulk, print and save in a dossier cost estimates/quotations
  4. E-mail a cost estimate individually
  5. E-mail a cost estimate again