Add a sales order from a blanket order

You add a sales order and if the details match a blanket order, Profit will suggest linking these orders.

The sales order and the blanket order that you previously added, must meet the following conditions:

  • They match in terms of the sales contact, currency and item code in the line.
  • Items are still available in the blanket order.
  • The end date of the blanket order has not expired.

If these conditions are met, Profit will supplement the data in the sales order line with information from the blanket order.

To add a sales order that copies data from the blanket order:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Sales process / Sales order.
  2. Select the sales contact with whom you have made the agreement that you want to document in this blanket order.
  3. In the line in Code, enter the item code of the article, work type, costs or assembled item (assembly and compound product).
  4. Press: Tab.

    If there is a valid blanket order, a subwindow will now be displayed with the blanket orders found. Here, you can see the quantity of units still available for this sales order line.

  5. Select the blanket order line.

    If you want to add a credit note, do not select a blanket order, and close the subwindow.

  6. Click on: OK

    Profit then enters the agreed price and unit. You can also see the blanket order linked by Profit in Corresponding blanket order in the line in the sales order.

  7. Enter the quantity in Number.

    The quantity in the line must not exceed the quantity allowed according to the blanket order. If you want to add a higher quantity, add the extra quantity over and above what is allowed by the blanket order in a new line.

  8. Complete the line. 
  9. Ad more lines as required.
  10. Complete the order. 

Directly to

  1. Blanket orders
  2. Configure a blanket order
  3. Add a blanket order
  4. Add a sales order for a blanket order
  5. View and/or modify a blanket order