Set up internet addresses for TransSmart

In the logistics settings, you can set up two addresses for TransSmart.

  • Here you set up the internet address to which Profit will send the TransSmart prenotification messages.
  • If you want to view and/or print labels for the transporter with whom your shipment has been prenotified by TransSmart then you can do this via the TransSmart portal or you can use the action button in Profit. The action button in Profit uses the Internet address set to take you directly to the label in the TransSmart portal.

If you want to use the secured addresses, you need an encoded password (known as an 'Authentication hashcode' in TransSmart). For more details about this, please contact TransSmart.

To set up the internet addresses for TransSmart:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Management / Settings.
  2. Go to the tab: Order Management.
  3. Go to the tab: Pre-entry.

    In URL for pre-entry you can see to which internet address Profit will send the TransSmart prenotification messages.

  4. Change the URL for pre-entry if you have received another address from TransSmart. The secure internet address is ''.

    In URL for printing labels you see the internet address that Profit uses if you want to open and print the label from the packing slip using the Labels action.

  5. If applicable, change the default value in URL for printing labels. The secure internet address is ''.
  6. In Coded password enter the password that you have received from TransSmart. This is mandatory if you use secure addresses (with https).
  7. Click on: OK.