Sales contact/debtor

You add (potential) customers you supply goods and/or services to as sales contacts in Profit.


The debtors and prospects are recorded in Profit as sales contacts. You can easily convert a prospect into a debtor by specifying that the prospect has the Debtor status and then entering the missing financial data, such as the payment condition, VAT duty and the summary account.

Sales_Verkooprelatie/debiteur (Beschr) (10)

A sales contact is always based on an organisation or person. You record general information such as name, search name, address, postal address and communications data at the organisation or person level. For the sales relation you record specific information that is required for invoicing and invoice payment.

Some data for invoicing is recorded at a higher level, in the sales contact profile. This is data such as the journal for journalising invoices, collection of packing slips/invoices and reports that are used for the order process and the invoices. You record this data in a sales contact profile and then link the sales contact profile to the relevant sales contact/debtor.


If you want to add a new prospect, you create a new sales contact (at that point, do not select the Is debtor check box). You add this sales contact without selecting the Prospect or Debtor check box.

Now, if you create a forecast or cost estimate for the sales contact, this contact automatically becomes a prospect.

A quotation for a sales contact does not automatically change the contact into a prospect.

You can manage the existing prospects by selecting Order Management / Sales / Sales contact. Select the Prospects view (this view is supplied as a default view).


  • Configuration

    When configuring sales contacts you set the numbering and you configure various master data.


  • Add a sales contact/debtor

    If a person or organisation orders something from your company, you add a sales contact. You record the general information, but also for example a delivery address, bank/giro account number and possibly different contacts (persons or departments).

  • View a sales contact/debtor

    You view data in the properties of a sales contact.

  • Configure the supply type and contact person per contact

    For your sales and/or purchase contacts, you set the way in which they generally want to receive the parts of the order process, via e-mail or in printed form (and then by post). For this, the Preferred issue method field on the General tab is available. You also set which contact is the general contact person for each purchase or sales contact. In addition, you can also set deviating supply types and contact persons for each specific report (order, invoice, etc).

  • Block a sales contact (temporarily)

    You can temporarily or completely block a debtor.

  • Change the sales contact/debtor number

    If you use a separate numbering for sales contacts/debtors, you can change the number.

  • Synchronize the sales contact/debtor number with organisation/person

    You can synchronize the numbering of your sales contacts/debtors (=make them identical) with the numbering of the linked organisation/person. You must first configure this in the properties of the environment.

  • Merge sales contacts/debtors

    You can merge two sales contacts that are actually one and the same sales contact.

  • Configure a deviating rate for VAT

    You decide per article the applicable VAT rate (zero, low or high). Sometimes you may want to deviate from this setting. For example, in the agricultural sector it can happen that you have to apply the low VAT rate to articles to which you would normally apply the high VAT rate.

  • Sales contact item code

    You can link the item codes your sales contact uses to your own item codes. When printing a quotation, order, packing slip or invoice, instead of printing your own item codes, you can print the item codes of your sales contact.

Also see