View a basic sales order

You can view and change the properties of an added basic order.

To view a basic sales order from the properties:

  1. Go to: 
    • Order Management / Sales process / Verkoopbasisorder
    • Order Management / Purchase process / Purchase basic order.
  2. Select the basic order that you want to view.
  3. Click on: Properties.
  4. Select the entry layout to be used.

    The window for entering/editing appears.

  5. If required, change the basic order.
  6. Close the basic order.

Directly to

  1. Basic sales order
  2. Add a basic sales order
  3. Copy order lines to a new basic sales order
  4. View a basic sales order
  5. Redetermine the basic sales order prices
  6. Change basic sales orders collectively
  7. Copy a basic sales order with general custom fields
  8. Sales_Afroeporder inrichten
  9. Serial invoicing