Set a deviating contact person

The Attn line for quotations, sales orders, packing slips and invoices is composed on the basis of the contact specified on the Digital tab in the properties of the debtor. However, when adding quotations, sales orders, packing slips and invoices you can use a deviating contact.

In the default entry layout, this is already possible. In your own entry layouts you can set this up yourself.

Deviating contacts not yet recorded for the sales contact can be recorded using the New contact action at the bottom of the entry layout when making entries. If you do not see this, then you still need to be authorised for it.


The New contact action button is only available in the entry layouts for the sales process. If you want to add a contact person during the purchase process, click on the Purchase contact properties action button in the entry layout. Next, go to the Contacts tab to add the new contact person.

This must also be implemented for the delivery address.

In the description below, we assume the sales order but you can also enter an alternative contact for the quotation, packing slip, invoice or counter/direct invoice if you set it up in the corresponding entry layout.

To add a field to an entry layout:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Entry layout.
  2. Open the entry layout.  This can be the entry layout for quotations, packing slips, invoices, etc.

    In the default Profit entry layout, the Deviating contact field has already been added. If you use the supplied default entry layout, first make a copy of this layout and adjust the copy.

  3. Go to the tab: Header.
  4. Open the general fields.
  5. (At left) search through the Deviating contact field by pressing the first letter of the field. In this case, an 'a'.
  6. Drag the Deviating contact field to the General tab.
  7. Click on: OK

To change the report:

In addition to the entry layout, you must also change the sales order report so that the alternative contact person is also printed on the sales order.

  1. Go to: General / Output / Management / Report.
  2. Open the properties of the sales order report.

    The default Profit report already uses the contents of the Deviating contact field in the Attn. line. In your own reports, you must set this up manually.

  3. At the bottom left, click on the Modify action.
  4. Deselect the Display categories check box.
  5. Collapse the Sales order lines category by clicking on the '-' sign.
  6. Click on: the '+' in front of contact person.
  7. Select the Contact field and then press the letter 't' until you arrive at the Attn. of line field.
  8. In the list of fields in the data collection at the right, scroll all the way down until you see the current Attn. of line field.
  9. Now click on the bottom button to replace the field and keep the description. If you use this method, you do not have to adjust the report generator, but the default 'Attn.' field that is used in the layout is replaced.
  10. Click on: Next
  11. Click on: Yes
  12. Complete the wizard.
  13. Close the report generator.
  14. Close the view with reports.

To issue a report (sales order, quotation, invoice, etc.) to a deviating contact person:

  1. Go to: the report, for example via:
    • Order Management / Sales process / Sales quotation
    • Order Management / Sales process / Sales order
    • Order Management / Sales process / Packing slip
    • Order Management / Sales process / Invoice.
  2. Open the properties.
  3. Go to the tab: to which you have added the field.
  4. In Deviating contact, select the deviating contact person.
  5. Close the entry layout.
  6. Click on the action: Output, for example to issue the report in bulk.

    When issuing a report, Profit looks at the contact person set at the lowest level of the quotation, invoice, etc. in question. If nothing has been set there, Profit looks at the level above it.

    The highest level is the general contact person of the sales contact. Next is the deviating contact person per report type and the lowest level is the deviating contact person selected in the entry layout, as described above.

See also:

Directly to

  1. Supply a sales order
  2. Issue a sales order using the Output wizard
  3. E-mail a sales order
  4. Print a sales order
  5. Use a deviating contact person