Copy order lines

You can add a packing slip by copying order lines from all types of orders. For example, you can copy the order lines from a basic order, a quotation, an order or from another packing slip to the packing slip you want to add.

When copying order lines over, Profit does not record a link between the old order/packing slip/etc. and the new packing slip.

To copy order lines:

  1. Go to: 
    • Order Management / Sales process / Sales quotation
    • Order Management / Sales process / Sales order
    • Order Management / Sales process / Packing slip
    • Order Management / Sales process / Verkoopbasisorder
    • Order Management / Sales process / Counter/direct invoice.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Select the Sales contact.
  4. Click on the action: Copy order lines.


    In the steps below you see the terms Order and Order line. If you select a different order type in the Order type field, for example Packing slip, in the following steps you can substitute Packing slip for the term Order and Packing slip line for the term Order line. This also applies for the Basic sales order and Quotation order types.

    You now see the filter fields.

    By default, you see the order type you are currently using. Furthermore, the default selected in Sales contact is the sales contact for whom you are currently adding an order.

  5. If applicable, select another order type from which you want to copy the lines in Order type.
  6. In Number, select the order of the current contact from which you want to copy the order lines.

    The Selection on debtor check box is selected by default. This means that Profit takes into account whether Sales contact is selected. If this check box is deselected, you see all the orders for all sales contacts that satisfy the filter criteria.

  7. If necessary, select another Sales contact or deselect the Selection on debtor check box to be able to copy lines from orders from all sales contacts.
  8. Enter a value in: Currency.
  9. If required, select date limits in Date from and Date up to and incl.
  10. Click on: Next

    Now you only see the orders that are part of the entered selection.

  11. Select the orders from which you want to copy order lines.
  12. Click on: Next
  13. Select the lines from the orders that you want to include in the new order.
  14. Click on: Next.
  15. If necessary, you can change the factor.

    You can influence the number of units in the order(s) by using a factor. The default factor in Profit is 1. If required, you can change the suggested factor. You can enter a positive or a negative factor.

    Example: of 'Use the factor when copying order lines'

    Thus, if you enter a factor of 2.00 when copying order lines, Profit multiplies the number of units in the order line(s) to be copied by 2.

    You can also use this action to quickly add a credit note for an order. Use the factor -1 for this. You then copy the order lines from the selected order and Profit multiplies the quantities by -1 so that all quantities are negative.

  16. Select the Redetermine prices check box if you want to recalculate the prices in the copied order lines based on the prices that are applicable for the sales contact for whom you are adding the order.

    If you do not select this check box, Profit copies the price from the source line.

  17. Select the Stipulate line discounts again check box if you want to recalculate the discounts in the copied order lines based on (any) discount applicable for the purchase contact for whom you are adding the order.


    If you do not want to redetermine the line discount, Profit copies any discount from the source line. The discount percentage is always copied to the order line and, based on this, the discount amount is recalculated.

  18. Select the Redetermine warehouse check box if you want to be able to change the selected order lines from the order you are creating (the warehouse field in the header of the sales order). If you are working with multiple warehouses and you do not select this check box, stock differences can arise.

    This check box therefore determines whether the order lines you select must be changed from the warehouse on the order being copied or from the order you are creating.

  19. Click on: Finish

Directly to

  1. Add a packing slip manually