Print a pick list

.In Profit, two default reports are available for printing a pick list:

  • Packing slip sorted by location (Profit)

    In this report a packing slip is printed in which the packing slip lines are sorted on warehouse and location.

  • Picklist (Profit)

    In this report, all packing slip lines not reported as ready are printed per warehouse/location. You can filter on packing slip date, packing slip number, warehouse, location, article group and item code.

To print packing slips sorted on location:

  1. Go to:  Order Management / Sales process / Packing slip.
  2. If required, filter on packing slip number, date or sales contact.
  3. Click on the action: Output.
  4. Select the Different issue check box.
  5. In Report, select the report Packing slip sorted by location (Profit).
  6. Click on: Next.
  7. Click on: Finish.

To print a pick list:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Output / Report.
  2. Double click on the Picklist (Profit) report.
  3. If required, filter on the data present.
  4. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Packing slip
  2. Configuration
  3. Generate packing slips automatically
  4. Add a packing slip manually
  5. View a packing slip
  6. Print a pick list
  7. Print the labels for a packing slip line
  8. Report a packing slip as ready
  9. Issue a packing slip
  10. Issue report
  11. Release a packing slip
  12. Add an invoice from a packing slip
  13. Import a packing slip
  14. SSCC labels
  15. Redetermine prices for current packing slips
  16. Complete a packing slip, no invoice
  17. Digital prenotification of a packing slip
  18. Packing slip via barcode scanner
  19. Collectively delete packing slips