Configure integration type for multiple administrations, one of which with stock

You can have multiple administrations, one of which with stock, and use the other administration to journalise the invoices. In this case, you add integration types for both administrations.

Voorbeeld journaliseren bij voorraad

If you supply goods from administration A and the corresponding invoices are entered into administration B, then in administration B, you configure the Current account stock integration type.

In administration A, integration type Stock (07): CA sales cost price

In administration B, integration type Current account stock (13): CA sales cost price

For the addition of integration types, you must be authorised.

To configure integration type ‘Stock' for administration A:

This is for the journal entry ‘CA sales cost price TO Geleverde artikelen‘ in administration A.

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Integration settings / Integration type.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Select administratie A in Administration.
  4. Select Stock in Integration type.
  5. Select the journal in which the journal entries have to be entered. Depending on the integration type selected, you must select a journal of the type Voorraadboek or Day book.

    For integration type Stock the default description is the description that is used in Financial.

  6. In CA sales cost price select the appropriate ledger account if you supply goods from this administration and the corresponding invoices are entered in another administration.
  7. Click on: Finish

Configure the 'Voorraad Rekening-Courant' integration type in Administration B:

This is for the journal entry ‘Kostprijs verkoop TO CA sales cost price‘ in administration A.

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Integration settings / Integration type.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Select administratie B in Administration.
  4. Select Current account stock in Integration type.
  5. Select the journal in which the journal entries have to be entered. Depending on the integration type selected, you must select a journal of the type Voorraadboek or Day book.

    For integration type Stock the default description is the description that is used in Financial.

  6. In CA sales cost price select the appropriate ledger account.
  7. Click on: Finish

See also:

Directly to

  1. Configure multiple administrations, one of which with stock
  2. Configure the integration type for multiple administrations, one of which with stock
  3. Example: journal entries for purchase with multiple administrations, one of which with stock
  4. Example: journal entries for sale with multiple administrations, one of which with stock