Set up the collecting of subscription invoices

Profit collects subscription invoices for each sales contact if this is set up in the relevant sales contact profile. Make sure to link this sales contact profile in the properties of the sales contact/debtor.

If a debtor is not linked to a sales contact profile, the settings of the sales contact profile '*****' (supplied as default) are applied.

To set up subscription invoice collection in the sales contact profile:

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Integration settings / Sales contact profile.
  2. Add a new sales contact profile or open the properties of an existing sales contact profile.
  3. Go to the tab: General.
  4. Select the Collect on invoice check box.
  5. Click on: OK
  6. Complete the wizard if you are adding a new sales contact profile.

If necessary, set up the sales contact:

If you do not have a deviating sales contact profile and no deviating address or contact that Profit must invoice, you do not need to set up anything at the sales contact level. If you have a deviating sales contact profile for collecting based on invoice, you link it to the sales contacts to which it should apply. If necessary, specify that you want to invoice another sales contact for a specific sales contact.

  1. Go to: Subscriptions / Subscription / Sales contact.
  2. Open the properties of the sales contact.
  3. Go to the tab: General.
  4. In Profile, select the deviating/new sales contact profile.

    If nothing is selected here, the default sales contact profile (*****) automatically applies.

  5. Go to the tab: Invoicing.
  6. In Invoice to, select a different sales contact that you want to invoice, if applicable.

    This allows you to send invoices to the head office of a company that has more than one branch, while delivering the goods to the branches. This debtor will then have an outstanding item.

    If you want to collect subscription invoices for several subscriptions, you must set up the same sales contact in all subscriptions/sales contacts.

  7. Save the changes.

Directly to

  1. Set up the collecting of subscription invoices