Check subscriptions for collecting invoices

If you want to collect subscription invoices, all the subscriptions must be the same.

Further conditions are that they must have identical subscription settings, in particular related to the following:

  • The sales contact must be identical for the collected subscriptions.

    Profit also collects subscription invoices on the sales contact that is selected in the Invoice to field. That means that you can collect invoices for different sales contacts which are linked to the same sales contact in the Invoice to field.

  • The setting in Prices inclusive of VAT must be identical for the subscriptions that are being collected.
  • In the subscription, the Voorschotnota check box must be deselected.
  • The setting for Payment condition must be identical.
  • The setting for Collect must be identical.
  • Any deviating invoice layout must be identical.

To check subscriptions to be able to collect the invoices:

Check each of the subscriptions for which you want to collect the invoices.

  1. Go to: Subscriptions / Subscription / Subscription.
  2. Open the subscription properties.
  3. Go to the tab:General.
  4. Check whether the same sales contact is in Invoice to deviating sales contact and Sales contact.
    • Click on the Sales contact properties action, if necessary.
    • Go to the tab:Invoicing.
    • Check which sales contact is in Invoice to.
    • Click on: OK.
  5. Go to the tab:Extra.
  6. Check whether Collect is enabled or disabled.
  7. Check whether all prices include VAT.

    This only is the case if the Prices inclusive of VAT function is activated in your environment.

  8. Close the properties.

Directly to

  1. Set up the collecting of subscription invoices