Set up the subscription invoice layout in a sales contact profile

In the sales contact profile you can determine which reports and message templates Profit should use for the subscription invoices. For e-invoicing you must also complete the Invoice bank acc..

To set up reports and message templates for subscription invoices:

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Integration settings / Sales contact profile.
  2. Open the default sales contact profile or the deviating profile.
  3. Go to the tab: Invoice.

    Sub_Abonnementsfactuurlay-out instellen in verkooprelatieprofiel (10)

  4. Select your bank account in Invoice bank acc.. This number is mandatory if you supply e-invoices.
  5. Go to the tab: Report invoice.

    Sub_Abonnementsfactuurlay-out instellen in verkooprelatieprofiel (20)

    You see that in Subscription invoice and in Pro forma subscription invoice the default Profit reports (layouts) are linked. These reports determine the appearance of your invoices. You can also add reports yourself and link them here.

  6. Go to the tab: Invoice message template.

    Sub_Abonnementsfactuurlay-out instellen in verkooprelatieprofiel (30)

    Message templates are intended for the e-mail message to which Profit links the attachment (as PDF and/or e-invoice). You see that in the subscription fields the default Profit sample message templates are linked. These contain, for example, the text ‘Dear Mr Jansen, As an attachment to this e-mail we send you subscription invoice number 23123. Best regards, etc.’. You can change these message templates yourself as well.

  7. Click on: OK

Directly to

  1. Sales contact profile for a subscription
  2. Report and message template for subscriptions
  3. Set up the collecting of subscription invoices