Invalid cockpit publication file. Publish the analysis to X. Go to and search on the message for more information

You get this notification when adding a cockpit page for publishing an analysis. You can also get this notification in English. The message you then get is:

'Invalid cockpit publication file. Publish the analysis to X.


There are several possible causes:

  • You get this message if the macro, which you use for publishing the cockpit is not correctly in the analysis.
  • The scheduled task for publishing the cockpit has not yet been performed at the time you want to add the page.
  • There is a strange character in the name of the analysis. Strange characters such as a diaeresis on (ë or ä etc.), a & -sign, an underscore _ or ¥ or % can cause this message. Avoid foreign characters in the name of your analysis.


  • You resolve the message by performing the checks below.
  • Check whether the default macro for publishing the cockpit is present in the analysis. You can read more about this in the article Macro and function to publish analysis as a web page.
  • Check that the .HTML and .XML file is created correctly. Open the analysis in which the macro is present. Then go to: View/Macros and click execute at PublishAnalysisDirect (see image). Make sure that on your computer the folder: C:temp is present. In it, a folder with the name of the analysis will be created after the macro is executed. This only happens if the macro is located correctly in the analysis. In it you will then find the .HTML and .XML file.
  • Check whether the scheduled Publish Analysis task for publishing the cockpit has been performed. You check this via General / Management / Task scheduler.
  • Change the name of the analysis to a plaintext-only analysis name without any foreign characters or commas. You change the name via General / Output / Management / Analysis. You can then use the Definition action to change the description.

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  1. Publish a cockpit (analysis) on InSite