Deactivate Profit Calendar integration

If you no longer wish to display certain appointments in Profit Calendar, deactivate the integration concerned.


If you deactivate a specific integration option, Profit will delete all relevant appointments from the Profit Calendar. If, for example, you delete the integration of absence, Profit will delete all absence appointments from Profit Calendar.

Deactivate integration:

  1. Go to: General / Environment / Management / Properties.
  2. Go to the tab: Calendar Integration.
  3. Select the Public holidays and/or Timetable check boxes if you no longer wish to use this integration. You cannot deselect the Public holidays check box if integration of leave entries is selected.
  4. Delete an appointment type if you no longer wish to use a specific integration. For example, delete the appointment type in Type of course appointment to disable the integration with the course administration.
  5. Click on: OK

Directly to

  1. Integration of Profit Calendar and other Profit components
  2. Add appointment type
  3. Calendar and Profit HR / Profit Payroll integration
  4. Calendar and project actual costing integration
  5. Calendar and courses integration
  6. Deactivate Profit Calendar integration