Make view actions inaccessible

By default all the users are allowed to print and export views. If a user has access to a view in Profit, he can export all the information he sees to Excel and/or print it. You cannot authorise these actions per view. In the Authorisation tool you can authorise the Export and Print actions for all the views at once.


By default all the users are allowed to print and export views. This is an exception to the standard way of authorising, where users are not authorised by default. If you want to make these actions inaccessible, please follow the procedure below.

By authorising the Export and print in views action, the following menu items and actions in Profit can be authorised:

  • The Export data option in the view (Profit Windows)
  • The Print button in the view (Profit Windows)
  • The Print button in the Totalizer function (Profit Windows)
  • The Export data to Word... option in the view (Profit Windows)

The following menu items are not authorised with the action, as these can already be authorised separately:

  • The Analyses... button:

    A user is authorised to change analyses via the Analyses option if he is authorised for the Analysis menu item (via Authorisation tool / (first select user on left) / Menu tab / General / General / Output / Management / Analysis).

  • Export a view to Microsoft Word or Excel

    This option is only visible if in the Authorisation tool the user is authorised for the View management action (via Authorisation tab / General / Actions / View management).

To make the Export and Print actions inaccessible in one go:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
  2. Select the user group: All Profit users.
  3. Go to the tab: Authorisation.
  4. Go to: General / Actions.
  5. Select the Export and print in views action.
  6. Select the Not allowed check box.
  7. Go to the tab: Group maintenance.
  8. Select the group that is allowed to export and print.
  9. Go to the tab: Authorisation.
  10. Go to: General / Actions.
  11. Select the Export and print in views action.
  12. Select the Allowed check box.

Directly to

  1. Authorise actions
  2. Authorise a group for actions
  3. Make view actions inaccessible
  4. Manage action, menu and tab authorisation