Process messages using the communication service (Command Line Utility)

Command line for processing messages received from the communication service. This not necessary for the wage declaration and the VAT declaration, but it is necessary for the SBAs in Profit Fiscal.

You can also schedule this option via Profit. In that case you do not have to configure the command line.





General options:



"C:\Program files (x86)\Profit\AFAS Windows\Kernel\Bin\AFASCMD.EXE"/O"Environment name " /G"Username" /W"Password"/L"Logfile" COMMPROCESS /T"berichttype" /O"omgeving"

Extra options




Mandatory. The name of the log file, for example:


/T<Message type> (optional)

Only messages for the specified profile. Use the profile’s code; for example OTP or bap. The codes are displayed by the General / Communication service / Communication profile function.

Without this option, all messages of all communication profiles are processed.

 /O<Environment> (optional)

Specify an environment if you only want to process messages from a specific environment that are ready for processing.

See also