Process actual costing weeks (Command Line Utility)

Command line option for processing weeks from the actual costing. Profit processes all the employees.


You cannot schedule this task using AFAS Online.

You can perform this task using the Profit Task scheduler. This applies to both AFAS Online and local installations.

This action performs the processing that you would otherwise have to carry out manually using the Projects / Actual costing / Process weeks function. You can only perform this action after activating the Actual costing per week functionality.





General options:



"C:\Program files (x86)\Profit\AFAS Windows\Kernel\Bin\AFASCMD.EXE" /O"Environment name " /G"Username" /W"Password" /L"C:\logfile.txt" WEKENVERWERKEN /J"2008" /P"32" /A

Extra options




Year. Optional. If you do not specify this parameter, Profit processes all weeks.


Week number. Optional, but if you enter this parameter, you must also enter /J.


Only process closed weeks.

If you do not add this option, Profit processes all the open and closed weeks for which hours have been entered.

You can use he following parameter combinations:

  • No parameters
  • /J
  • /J /P
  • /J /A
  • /J /P /A

See also