Sales contact profile

A sales contact profile contains settings applicable to all sales contacts/debtors linked to the profile. You can use this to manage various settings for sales contacts/debtors in a profile so you do not have to record these separately for each sales contact/debtor.


A sales contact profile contains settings for journalising invoices, collecting invoices, sending invoices and you can select reports that are used for things such as the order process and the invoices.

Profit supplies a default profile. This profile automatically applies to all sales contacts, with the exception of sales contacts to which you link a different profile.

You can add deviating sales contact profiles, for example for certain customer groups. For example, you can create a deviating profile for your German customers and yet another profile for your English customers. In the profiles, you record the reports you have translated into German or English, respectively.

For each field that you leave blank in the deviating sales contact profile, Profit falls back on the settings in the default sales contact profile. To determine the administration and the journal, Profit falls back on the integration type when nothing has been entered into the sales contact profile. You link this deviating sales contact profile to certain sales contacts.


It is important that the process administrator properly defines the fields in the default sales contact profile. In case of a single deviation, you do not need to enter all of the fields in the sales contact profile; only the deviating field.


  • Add reports

    When you add sales contact profiles, you select the reports that are used for the order process, the cost estimate and the various invoices. You can design your own reports, for example for a sales order, a quotation or an invoice.


Also see