Import new persons

You can import new persons in one go.

Profit checks whether a person already exists by searching on a specific field. If a person meeting the search criteria is found, an error message is displayed and the line is not imported.

To import new persons:

  1. Go to: CRM / Management / Import / Individual new.

    The pre-entry window with the import options is displayed.

  2. Set the import options.

    Import Person new.


    Please refer to Fields for information on the import options so you know what the implications of your selection are!

  3. Then proceed with the import using the wizard.

Directly to

  1. Import organisations and persons
  2. Organisations New
  3. Organisations New/Changes
  4. Contact persons New/Changes
  5. Persons New
  6. Persons New/Changes
  7. Import a sales contact and organisation
  8. Import the IBAN number for a bank/giro account