E-mail the report manually

You can manually e-mail one report (quotation, order, invoice, etc.) to your contact.

Use the Output wizard if you want to e-mail and/or print multiple reports in one go.

After performing the E-mail and Print actions, Profit only sets the issued report to the Completely processed status, if the action performed matches the issue method for the sales contact. Profit first checks if a deviating issue method has been recorded for the report type on the Digital tab. If that is not the case, Profit checks the issue method recorded on the General tab. Only when using the Output wizard, the lines always get the Completely processed status.


Profit sends the e-mail to the Work e-mail address that has been recorded for the contact for the invoice (order, etc.).

If the contact does not have a Work e-mail address or no contact is selected, the Work e-mail address of the organisation/person in question is used. If a Work e-mail address is not present for the organisation/person either, then Profit reports that no valid e-mail address can be found.

To e-mail one report manually:

  1. Go to: 
    • Order Management / Purchase process / Purchase order
    • Order Management / Purchase process / Receipt
    • Order Management / Sales process / Sales quotation
    • Order Management / Sales process / Verkoopbasisorder
    • Order Management / Sales process / Sales order
    • Order Management / Sales process / Packing slip
    • Order Management / Sales process / Invoice
    • Subscriptions / Invoicing / Pro forma invoices
    • Projects / Invoicing / Invoices
    • Projects / Invoicing / Invoice instalment
    • CRM / Course management / Invoicing / Invoices
  2.  Select the line you want to e-mail.
  3. Click on the action: E-mail.

    You will see a preview of the e-mail message to be sent. The content of the e-mail message is determined using the message template and the debtor profile.

    You send the invoice to the e-mail address of the contact person set in the properties of the sales contact/debtor. You can set contact persons as Preferred contact on the General tab in the properties of the sales contact/debtor. In addition, on the Digital tab you can define the contact's issue method for the Report type: (for example, the project invoice).

Directly to

  1. E-mail and/or print reports
  2. Add a report (quotation, invoice, etc.)
  3. Configure issue methods (e-mail and print) for reports
  4. E-mail/print reports in bulk using the Output wizard
  5. E-mail one report
  6. Check the status of reports issued by e-mail
  7. Print a report manually