Place custom fields on a tab

Add a custom tab and place the custom fields on it. Profit will show the tabs in every function you set in the Visible with column upon activation.


You have added the Relatiegeschenken custom contact file and made it visible for organisations and sales contacts.

If you add one Relatiegesch. tab to the Management tool, it is visible both for organisations and sales contacts.

A tab with entry lines is created for a custom contact file. Each entry line contains the fields you add to the tab in the Management tool. As these are entry lines, it is recommended to at least place the Sequence number field on the tab.

Add a custom tab and place the custom fields on it:

  1. Go to the tab: Tabs.

    Follow the default procedure for laying out custom tabs.

  2. Click on: New.
  3. Place all fields in the Fields on tab box.
  4. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Custom contact files
  2. Activate a custom contact file
  3. Add a custom contact file
  4. Place custom fields on a tab
  5. Authorise a custom contact file
  6. Add data to a custom contact file
  7. View a custom contact file
  8. Change the master file for a custom contact file
  9. Import a custom contact file
  10. Configure the display of the custom contact file in InSite