Date field in the entry window
Profit always prompts for a date in date fields. There are several ways to change the date.
The date depends on the period in which you make the entry:
- current period
If you make an entry in the current period, today's date will be suggested.
You make an entry for August 2011.
If you want to change the date to 20/08/2011, you only need to enter 20. When you exit the field using Tab or Enter, the date will be autocompleted.
- period in the past
If you make an entry for a past period, the last date of that period will be suggested.
- period in the future
If you make an entry for a future period, the first date of that period will be suggested.
Change the date using the keyboard:
- Select the field and press F2.
- Navigate to the day, month or year counter.
- Enter the new value, or change the values by pressing Shift+Arrow Up and Shift+Arrow Down.
- Select the field and enter the desired value directly.
Change the date using the mouse (calendar):
- Retrieve the calendar in one of the following ways:
- Click on the search button behind the date field.
- Select the date field. Press: F10.
Profit displays the calendar.
- Select the date.
- Click on: OK.