View and change a transitory item

You can view transitory entries using the Financial changes view. You can add fields for the transitory item entries to this view if you have the authorisation to do so. With these specific fields, you can make the link between the transitory items and the main journal entry from the purchase/sales/general journal clear.

Include the following fields in the view:

  • Journal entry number

    This is the number of the journal entry.

  • Transitory item

    In the invoice lines you can see whether a transitory item entry has been made from this entry line.

  • Trans. item source journal entry nr.

    In the transitory item, you see the journal entry number of the invoice from which the entry has been made.

  • Source trans. item

    This is the sequence number of the journal entry line in question from the source entry. With this, you have a good link between the transitory item and the source entry.

You can also include the following function fields, which give you a direct view of the linked transitory entry. This data is only available in the source line of the transitory item:

  • Transitory entry start year
  • Transitory entry start period
  • Transitory entry end year
  • Transitory entry end period

You can also include the creditor in the view. That way you see which creditor the financial entries of the transitory item belong to. This field is available if the Show all available links check box is selected in the Financial changes data collection. In that case, the Transitory item (source) alias is also shown. From here, you can display the creditor name of the main entry of the transitory items.

Once you have posted a transitory entry, the link between the transitory items and the main journal entry from the purchase/sales/general journal is maintained. If you want to view or change this main journal entry for the invoice, you can use these fields to retrieve it.

To view or change a transitory item via Financial entries:

  1. Go to: Financial / Ledger / Financial changes.

    You can change a transitory item by selecting the main entry that the transitory item was made from.

  2. Select the entry.

    As you see, a full contra entry has been made to the contra account and the costs distributed over the periods.

    If you have added the Transitory item ( field to the default view, you see that the check box in this column is selected for the purchase invoice (the main journal entry from which the transitory item is made).

  3. Click on the action: Edit journal entry.

    You can also first open the entry and then go to the Transitory item entries tab.

  4. Select the cost line (or revenue line). This is the second entry line.
  5. Click on the action: Transitory item.

    The entry window for the transitory item is opened. You can change the settings.

  6. Click on the action: F5. Select.
  7. You can change the underlying transitory items.
  8. Confirm the change to the existing transitory items.

When you change the transitory item, Profit deletes the existing lines of the transitory item and rebuilds the item.

Directly to

  1. Transitory item
  2. Configure transitory items
  3. Enter a transitory item
  4. Enter a transitory item for a project
  5. Change a transitory item with a project entry
  6. View a transitory item
  7. Delete a transitory item