Internships in the BOL programme at MBO 1 and 2 levels

As from 1 January 2014, the 'Afdrachtvermindering' for education no longer applies. The associated wage components have been deactivated as from this date.

It has been replaced by the ‘Subsidieregeling praktijkleren’. This arrangement is not integrated in the salary administration. You do not have to (and even cannot) take immediate action. That is because under the new arrangement requests are made afterwards and this means that you cannot submit a request for subsidy over the first half year of 2014 until 2 June 2014.

Internships in the BOL programme at MBO 1 and 2 levels

An employee or student working as an intern for at least two months in the context of a vocational training at the MBO 1 or 2 level.

In this case, the ‘Afdrachtvermindering’ is calculated using the 100.006.122 'Afdrachtvermindering Onderwijs BOL-leerweg MBO 1 en 2' wage component.


Each wage component has a comment in which the operation of the wage component is explained. Always take a look at this explanation on the Comment tab in the properties of the wage component in the CLA. If you do not have the wage component available, first activate it.

For this category, a threshold wage does not apply. The part-time factor does apply. A full-time working week here is assumed to be 36 hours.

If the trainee does not receive a reimbursement, but you want to calculate the 'afdrachtvermindering', keep the following in mind:

  • Properties of the employee traineeship contract: the Employee type field = Placement - with salary.

    If you set up the employee as Placement - without salary, Profit does not process the relevant contract line.

  • Salary line properties: Salary type = Fixed salary.

    If an employee is paid per hour, Profit will only process that employee if you post days and hours. In the employee's timetable you can enter a zero-hour or zero-day timetable.

To add the wage component to the employee:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Click on: New.
  5. Select the 100.006.122 'Afdrachtvermindering Onderwijs BOL-leerweg MBO 1 en 2' wage component.
  6. Click on: Finish.
  7. Open the properties of the 'Afdrachtvermindering Onderwijs BOL-leerweg MBO 1 en 2 toepassen Ja/Nee' parameter.
  8. Click on: New.
  9. Enter the start date.
  10. Select the Apply check box.
  11. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. 'Afdrachtvermindering’ in Education
  2. 'Beroepsbegeleidende leerweg'
  3. Appointed as AIO or OIO
  4. Is paid as AIO
  5. 'Onderwijsarbeidsovereenkomst HBO'
  6. 'Voormalig werkloze'
  7. 'Leer- en werktraject van VMBO'
  8. 'BOL-leerweg MBO 1 en 2 stages'
  9. 'EVC'-procedure
  10. 'Verhoging van het opleidingsniveau'