Configure a workflow for use of InSite or OutSite
You can only use the new workflow in InSite or OutSite after you have configured the dossier item type.
Configuring the workflow consists of the creation of a dossier item type, among other things. The dossier item type forms the basis for the configuration of the workflow. You record the dossier items in the dossiers, distinguishing them according to type. In order to use the new dossier item type for the workflow, you make it visible in InSite and/or in OutSite. Once you have added a page to the site, the dossier item can be submitted.
In addition, you record a workflow task manager. You can do this in the environment, the workflow or per task.
- Authorise a workflow
Authorise this process so that users have access to the functionality.
- Authorise workflow activities
Before you can clear For info tasks collectively, you need to authorise users for this functionality.
- Workflow intervention
You can specify that a user or a group of users has the rights to take over a workflow from employees who will be sick for a long time or who have left employment. These are the workflow task managers.
- Add a dossier item type for a workflow
The dossier item type forms the basis for the configuration of the workflow. You record the dossier items in the dossiers, distinguishing them according to type.
- Configure the destination of a dossier item type for a workflow in InSite and OutSite
The destination of a dossier item determines the dossier in which you can view the item. You can select multiple destinations. For example, if you select Employee and Course as destinations, you can open the submitted dossier item from the employee and course dossier.
- Make a dossier item type visible in InSite and OutSite
Before you can use the dossier item type in a workflow, you must first make it visible in InSite and/or OutSite.
- Features of a dossier item type
You use features for recording dossier items, for selection purposes or for starting a workflow.
- Add a feature group
If you work with features, you can start a specific workflow based on the features that the user selects when submitting the dossier item. You can link up to three feature values to the feature group.
- Add a page for a dossier item in InSite
If you want to submit a dossier item type in InSite, you add a page in InSite.
- Dossier and workflow in OutSite
You can use the Profit dossier functionality in OutSite.